Posts Tagged ‘Blogosphere’

Fatwah Envy – קנאת פטוואה – English/Hebrew

January 5, 2009

(Bilingual post, for English, scroll down)

הבלוגוספירה הישראלית ממשיכה לגעוש עקב המלחמה בעזה, וחלק מהתגובות חושפות באופן שיטתי פרופיל קודר ומזעזע של כותביהן.

אייל גרוס כתב פוסט היוצא כנגד המחסור בסיוע הומניטרי ראוי בעזה וכן גם כנגד המתקפה הישראלית של מטרות אזרחיות לחלוטין ברצועה, כאשר הבולטת ממתקפות אלה היא המתקפה על מחסן רפואי. איני יכול לשער בנפשי איזה ערך אסטרטגי יש למתקפה שכזו, אך קטונתי מלאמר.


Adding a new page: ” Quirky Search Entries That Brought People Here”

November 25, 2008

No need to elaborate 🙂

Just check the left side bar for the darnest search entries that found their way to this blog!

Welcomed to the Atheist Blogroll – annoucement

September 20, 2008

I have recently been added to the atheist blogroll. Before I’ll write a tiny snippet of my own about this blog’s addition to the blogroll, I want to paste the annoucement Mojoey graciously proposed here:

Obsessed With Reality has been added to The Atheist Blogroll. You can see the blogroll in my sidebar. The Atheist blogroll is a community building service provided free of charge to Atheist bloggers from around the world. If you would like to join, visit Mojoey at Deep Thoughts for more information.

So, first of all – if any Atheist bloggers happened to read this blog (it’s less than a month old, so I doubt it there’s much readership here) – I highly recommend adding yourself to the Atheist blogroll. I’m frankly honored to be a part of such a community and I’ll probably be sniffing around the atheist blogosphere a lot from now on.

Second, I should probably write a page, and not a post, about what this blog is actually about. It’s apparent in some posts and in the “about me” page that this blog is about Atheism, but frankly – it’s not just about Atheism. This blog will be full of favourite bits of Biology, dealings with creationism, both in Israel and abroad, science in general (and as I wrote, biology in particular), a lot about the deaf culture, particularly the Israeli deaf culture (this is probably not going to be a huge nexus of interest for the atheist blogroll, but it is a personal issue for me) – and probably an occasional post about martial arts, a field I have been occupying in for more than a decade.

I’m a bit busy with work right now, but I’m going to put some effort into writing a proper post/page about the subject, and I should also try and figure out how exactly do I insert the blogroll in my sidebar – for now, I’m just going to put a link to the blogroll until I figure out how to use a more sophisticated widget.

Cheers, and here’s one for rationality, reason, and most importantly – the freedom of thought.

No Gods, no Masters.